Website Layout Types

Website Layout Types | Digital Sam Media There are several types of website layouts, each with its own unique char...

Thursday, January 19, 2023

What is JavaScript?

 What is JavaScript?

The programming language known as JavaScript is frequently used to create dynamic and interactive elements for websites. Additionally, it is utilized in the development of web-based software and applications, desktop and mobile applications, and server-side programming. It is a client-side prearranging language, implying that the code is executed by the client's internet browser instead of on the server. When creating and styling websites, JavaScript is frequently used in conjunction with HTML and CSS.

JavaScript is a lightweight programming language that web developers commonly use to create more dynamic interactions when developing web pages, applications, servers, and or even games.Developers generally use JavaScript alongside HTML and CSS The scripting language works well with CSS in formatting HTML elements. The latter even started developing the first modern JavaScript engine, called V8, which compiles bytecode into native machine code.Today, JavaScript has plenty of frameworks and libraries to simplify complex projects, such as AngularJS, jQuery, and ReactJS.

Originally run on the client-side, the JavaScript implementation has branched out to the server-side after the Node.js development ‒ a cross-platform server environment built on the Google Chrome JavaScript V8 engine.While it caters to web-based programs the most, JavaScript programming features have other implementations in different areas. Web and Mobile AppsThe development of JavaScript frameworks, consisting of JavaScript code libraries, allows developers to use pre-written JavaScript code in their projects.


Monday, January 16, 2023

What is CSS?

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 What is CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a vital language for defining the visual presentation of web documents coded in HTML or XHTML. It plays a pivotal role in web design by allowing developers to apply various styles, including colors, fonts, and layouts, to enhance the appearance of web pages.

By separating presentation concerns from the structure and content of a website, CSS facilitates easier maintenance and updates. This separation ensures that changes in design can be implemented without altering the underlying markup, resulting in a more efficient development process.

Moreover, CSS empowers developers to create responsive designs that dynamically adapt to different screen sizes and devices. This responsiveness is essential for providing an optimal user experience across various platforms, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

What is Link Juice

 Link Juice 

Link juice refers to the value or authority that is passed from one webpage to another through the use of hyperlinks. When a webpage links to another webpage, it is said to "pass link juice" to the linked page. The more high-quality links a webpage has pointing to it, the more link juice it is believed to have, and the higher it may rank in search engine results.



Tuesday, January 10, 2023

What is HTML?

 What is HTML?


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. HTML is used to structure content on the web and to define the meaning and structure of that content.

HTML uses a system of tags to define the structure and layout of content on a web page. These tags are written using angle brackets, and they typically come in pairs with an opening tag and a closing tag. For example, the following HTML code defines a paragraph element with some text inside it:

<p>This is a paragraph of text</p>

HTML tags can also include attributes that provide additional information about the element or how it should be displayed. For example, the following HTML code defines a link to another webpage:

<a href="">Click here to visit</a>

In this code, the "a" element is the link, and the "href" attribute specifies the destination URL for the link.

HTML is an essential part of the web and is used to create almost all web content. It is often used in conjunction with other technologies like CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive web pages.





Here's a list of basic HTML tags that are commonly used to structure a web page:

- <!DOCTYPE>: Defines the document type and version of HTML being used.
- <html>: The root element of an HTML document.
- <head>: Contains metadata about the HTML document.
- <title>: Sets the title of the web page.
- <body>: Contains the visible content of the web page.
- <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>: Heading tags for different levels of headings.
- <p>: Defines a paragraph.
- <a>: Creates a hyperlink to another web page or resource.
- <img>: Inserts an image into the web page.
- <ul>, <ol>, <li>: Used to create unordered and ordered lists.
- <div>: A generic container for grouping and styling other elements.
- <span>: An inline container used for applying styles to specific portions of text.
- <table>, <tr>, <td>: Used to create tables with rows and cells.
- <form>, <input>, <textarea>, <button>: Tags for creating interactive forms.
- <header>, <nav>, <main>, <section>, <article>, <footer>: Semantic tags for structuring different parts of the webpage.
- <br>: Inserts a line break.
- <hr>: Creates a horizontal rule (a horizontal line).
- <strong>, <em>: Tags for emphasizing or highlighting text.
- <iframe>: Embeds an external web page or media content within the current page.
- <script>, <style>: Tags for embedding JavaScript code and CSS styles, respectively.
- <meta>: Provides meta-information about the HTML document, such as character encoding and viewport settings.
- <head>, <body>, <title>: Tags for defining the document structure, title, and body of the HTML document.

These are some of the basic HTML tags used to create a web page. By using combinations of these tags, developers can structure and format content to create a complete web page.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Schema Markup Generator Tool JSON-LD Software For Blogger Blog Website | How To Add & Use For SEO

Schema Markup Generator Tool JSON-LD Software For Blogger Blog


Schema Markup Generator Tool JSON-LD Software For Blogger Blog Website | How To Add & Use For SEO


How to add structured data to HTML

 How to add structured data to HTML


<title>Party Coffee Cake</title>
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "Recipe",
"name": "Party Coffee Cake",
"author": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Mary Stone"
"datePublished": "2018-03-10",
"description": "This coffee cake is awesome and perfect for parties.",
"prepTime": "PT20M"
<h2>Party coffee cake recipe</h2>
<i>by Mary Stone, 2018-03-10</i>
      This coffee cake is awesome and perfect for parties.
      Preparation time: 20 minutes





Structured Data Markup Helper

Structured Data Markup Helper

1. The Digital Dictionary for Search Engines is like a comprehensive dictionary that search engines use to interpret and understand the content on the web. It provides a standardized vocabulary or set of terms that webmasters can use to describe different types of information. This includes everything from articles, events, and recipes to businesses, products, and reviews.

2. Types and Items: Categorizing and Specifying Instances

Types: Think of types as overarching categories or genres. For instance, if you have a webpage about a book, the type could be

Items: Items, on the other hand, are specific instances of these types. So, if is the type, a specific item might be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.Each item belongs to a particular type.

3. Properties: Adding Details and Descriptions

Properties: Properties are like the details you provide about your types or items. Going back to the book example, properties could include ;author,publication date genre,and number of pages.These properties offer a more granular understanding of the content.
4. JSON-LD: Making Information Understandable

JSON-LD: JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is a specific format for presenting schema markup. It's a way of structuring information that's both human-readable and machine-readable. It's like writing a set of instructions that search engines can easily follow.

Structured Data Snippet: When you add JSON-LD to your webpage, you're essentially providing a structured data snippet that tells search engines exactly what your content is about, what type it belongs to, and what details are associated with it.

5. Rich Snippets: Enhancing Search Results

Rich Snippets: One of the key benefits of using schema markup is the potential for rich snippets. Rich snippets are enhanced search results that offer more information directly in the search results page. For example, a recipe with schema markup might display the cooking time, ratings, and a small image right in the search results.
6. How It Works: Improving Click-Through Rates and Understanding

Improved Click-Through Rates: Schema markup not only helps search engines understand your content better but also makes your search results more visually appealing. When users see additional information like star ratings, prices, or images in the search results, they are more likely to click on your link.

Enhanced Understanding: Search engines, while advanced, still rely on signals to understand the content of a webpage. Schema markup provides explicit signals, telling search engines,This is a recipe, and here are the ingredients and cooking instructions.This enhanced understanding leads to more accurate and relevant search results.

In summary, schema markup acts as a bridge between your content and search engines. By using a standardized vocabulary, categorizing information, and providing detailed properties, you're essentially speaking the language of search engines, making it easier for them to interpret and present your content in a more compelling way in search results. It's a tool that benefits both website owners and users by improving visibility, clarity, and relevance in the vast landscape of the internet.

By using the Structured Data Markup Helper, webmasters can enhance the way search engines interpret and display their content in search results, potentially leading to richer snippets and improved visibility.

Google Structured Data Markup Helper

Types of Backlinks

Types of Backlinks

Hello, class! Today, let's delve into the fascinating world of backlinks – the virtual friendships that make the internet thrive.

Natural Backlinks (Organic Links):

These are the best kind of friendships – they happen naturally. When someone discovers your content and finds it valuable, they might decide to link to it without any request from you.
Think of it like a friend sharing a cool discovery with others because they genuinely enjoyed it.
Manual or Outreach Backlinks:

Sometimes, you need to be proactive in making new friends. In the online world, this involves reaching out to other websites or bloggers and asking them to link to your content.
It's comparable to introducing yourself to someone new, explaining why your content is worth checking out, and asking if they'd like to share it with their audience.
Editorial Backlinks:

Imagine if a renowned figure in your field acknowledges your work and recommends it on their website. That's an editorial backlink.
It's akin to a respected teacher giving a shout-out to your achievements because they believe in your capabilities.
Internal Backlinks:

Just as you might reference your past experiences or lessons, websites can link to their own content. These are internal backlinks, and they help users navigate through related topics on the same site.
Think of it as connecting different chapters of a book to provide a more comprehensive understanding.
Nofollow and Dofollow Links:

Dofollow links are like strong recommendations. When another website uses a dofollow link to your content, it's essentially vouching for its quality and credibility.
On the other hand, nofollow links are more like casual mentions. While they acknowledge the existence of your content, they don't pass on as much "SEO juice" or endorsement as dofollow links.
It's similar to a teacher saying, "This book is a must-read for your assignment" (dofollow) versus "You might find this article interesting, but it's optional" (nofollow).
In summary, building a diverse and natural backlink profile is like cultivating a network of friendships. Each type of backlink contributes to the overall reputation and authority of your website in the vast landscape of the internet. Just like in real life, a combination of organic, earned, and genuine connections tends to be the most valuable!

What is structured data?

What is structured data?

Schema markup is like giving search engines a cheat sheet about the content on your webpage. It helps search engines understand the context of your content better, which can enhance the way your information is displayed in search results.

1. The Digital Dictionary for Search Engines is like a comprehensive dictionary that search engines use to interpret and understand the content on the web. It provides a standardized vocabulary or set of terms that webmasters can use to describe different types of information. This includes everything from articles, events, and recipes to businesses, products, and reviews.

2. Types and Items: Categorizing and Specifying Instances

Types: Think of types as overarching categories or genres. For instance, if you have a webpage about a book, the type could be "Book."

Items: Items, on the other hand, are specific instances of these types. So, if "Book" is the type, a specific item might be "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Each item belongs to a particular type.

3. Properties: Adding Details and Descriptions

Properties: Properties are like the details you provide about your types or items. Going back to the book example, properties could include "author," "publication date," "genre," and "number of pages." These properties offer a more granular understanding of the content.
4. JSON-LD: Making Information Understandable

JSON-LD: JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is a specific format for presenting schema markup. It's a way of structuring information that's both human-readable and machine-readable. It's like writing a set of instructions that search engines can easily follow.

Structured Data Snippet: When you add JSON-LD to your webpage, you're essentially providing a structured data snippet that tells search engines exactly what your content is about, what type it belongs to, and what details are associated with it.

5. Rich Snippets: Enhancing Search Results

Rich Snippets: One of the key benefits of using schema markup is the potential for rich snippets. Rich snippets are enhanced search results that offer more information directly in the search results page. For example, a recipe with schema markup might display the cooking time, ratings, and a small image right in the search results.
6. How It Works: Improving Click-Through Rates and Understanding

Improved Click-Through Rates: Schema markup not only helps search engines understand your content better but also makes your search results more visually appealing. When users see additional information like star ratings, prices, or images in the search results, they are more likely to click on your link.

Enhanced Understanding: Search engines, while advanced, still rely on signals to understand the content of a webpage. Schema markup provides explicit signals, telling search engines, "This is a recipe, and here are the ingredients and cooking instructions." This enhanced understanding leads to more accurate and relevant search results.

In summary, schema markup acts as a bridge between your content and search engines. By using a standardized vocabulary, categorizing information, and providing detailed properties, you're essentially speaking the language of search engines, making it easier for them to interpret and present your content in a more compelling way in search results. It's a tool that benefits both website owners and users by improving visibility, clarity, and relevance in the vast landscape of the internet.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

What Is Digital Marketing? | Introduction To Digital Marketing

What Is Digital Marketing? | Introduction To Digital Marketing


Free online courses from State Bank of India

  Free online courses from State Bank of India

Training in the State Bank is a proactive, planned, continuous and an integral part of organizational development. The concept of training in State Bank of India is nearly a century old. In SBI, we have six Domain Specific Training Institutes (DSTI) to provide specialised training in the area of (i) Leadership, Management & Banking Research (ii) Risk, Forex & Credit (iii) Consumer Markets & Retail Products (iv) Rural Markets & Financial Inclusion (v) IT Innovation & Technology Products and (vi) On-boarding, Orientation and Leadership Development programs of new entrants. The endeavours of DSTIs are supplemented by 51 Regional State Bank Institutes of Learning and Developments (SBILDs) spread across the country, with a classroom training capacity of 4,200 learners per day. 


How To Install Google ADB Driver On Windows Computer

How To Install Google ADB Driver On Windows Computer





Forget about the unbearably long waiting times and the unaffordable quotes you received for software development. Try Appy Pie for easy, quick, and affordable no-code solutions.

Super easy to use, our no-code development platform’s drag and drop functionality lets you unify and simplify all your data into a single source. Appy Pie breaks all barriers and boundaries when it comes to no-code development, offering you seamless integrations with other data sources, even applications.

No-code development with Appy Pie is different from anything else in the industry. It costs at least 1/10th of the industry standard and gets your product to the market ten times faster than the competitors.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Air India

Air India - About Us

Air India

Air India’s journey took off in 1932, when Bharat Ratna J.R.D Tata formed an Airline, realising his dream. The first Indian to receive a commercial pilot’s license, it was his passion for flying that had sparked Air India’s origins - with the launch of an Airmail service from the then Bombay to Karachi via Ahmedabad. Nationalized in 1953, Air India has been spreading its wings over the years to become a leading domestic and global brand. Read more

Air India’s international connectivity, spanning cities in Europe, USA, UK, Africa, the Gulf, Asia and Australia, was strengthened after joining Star Alliance – the largest global air consortium – in July, 2014. The airline also covers every remote corner of our country. It has always stood by the Nation and its people during the hour of need and has played a key role in evacuation missions during crises like the Gulf War, the Covid pandemic and the recent Ukraine conflict. Read more

On 27th January, 2022, Air India has been welcomed back to the Tata Group and is poised to soar high - redefining its goals & approach with focus on overall excellence & customer-centric processes. "The Tata group welcomes Air India's new customers and is excited to work together to make Air India the airline of choice in terms of passenger comfort and service.", remarked Mr. Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus, Tata Sons on the occasion. Read more


Friday, November 11, 2022

Beginner to Pro FREE Excel Data Analysis Course

Beginner to Pro FREE Excel Data Analysis Course

Beginner to Pro FREE Excel Data Analysis Course

Excel is a powerful tool that is used by businesses and individuals to analyze data. Whether you're just starting out or you're an experienced data analyst, Excel has a wide range of features that can help you make sense of complex data sets. Here are 15 of the most commonly used Excel tools:

  1. SUM:The SUM function in Excel is used to calculate the sum of a range of cells. It is a very basic and commonly used function, which takes a range of cells as an argument and returns their sum. The syntax of the function is very simple, and it can be written as "=SUM(range)" where "range" refers to the range of cells that need to be added. For example, if you want to calculate the sum of cells A1 to A5, you would write "=SUM(A1:A5)". This would return the sum of the values in those cells. The SUM function can also be used with other functions and formulas to perform more complex calculations. For instance, you could use the SUM function to calculate the total revenue from a set of sales data. Overall, the SUM function is a fundamental tool in Excel that can be used in a wide range of applications.
  2. AVERAGE: The AVERAGE function in Excel is used to calculate the arithmetic mean of a range of cells. It is another basic and commonly used function, which takes a range of cells as an argument and returns their average. The syntax of the function is very similar to the SUM function, and it can be written as "=AVERAGE(range)" where "range" refers to the range of cells that need to be averaged. For example, if you want to calculate the average of cells A1 to A5, you would write "=AVERAGE(A1:A5)". This would return the average value of the values in those cells. The AVERAGE function can also be used with other functions and formulas to perform more complex calculations. For instance, you could use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average test score for a set of student data. It is important to note that the AVERAGE function does not include any cells that contain text or are empty, and it can handle negative numbers as well. Overall, the AVERAGE function is a powerful tool in Excel that is useful for a variety of purposes.
  3. COUNT: Counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers.
  4. MAX: Returns the highest value in a range of cells.
  5. MIN: Returns the lowest value in a range of cells.
  6. IF: Returns one value if a condition is true and another value if it is false.
  7. VLOOKUP: Searches for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from a specified column.
  8. INDEX: Returns the value of a cell in a specified row and column of a table or range.
  9. MATCH: Searches for a value in a range of cells and returns the relative position of that value.
  10. CHARTS: Creates a visual representation of data in the form of a chart or graph.
  11. PIVOT TABLES: Summarizes large amounts of data by grouping it into categories and displaying the results in a table format.
  12. CONDITIONAL FORMATTING: Applies formatting to cells based on certain conditions, such as cell values or formulas.
  13. SORT AND FILTER: Organizes data in ascending or descending order and filters out unwanted data based on specific criteria.
  14. DATA VALIDATION: Restricts the type of data that can be entered into a cell, such as numbers or dates.
  15. FORMULAS: Performs calculations using mathematical operators, functions, and cell references.

In conclusion, Excel data analysis is a valuable skill that can help you make sense of complex data sets and communicate your findings to others.

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